What do you wish me to be?
The wind that can swirl what time has implanted within you
Or the breeze that’s just gentle and yields from you without a bicker.
The wind that sets the desert in to an untameable delirium
Or the breeze that just flows past whispering an old secret.
The wind or the breeze?
What do you wish me to be?
The infinitude of the ocean that can cleave your hull
Or the narrow stream that just wets the feet in a sunny lull.
The interminable torrent that can drown but leave you thirsty
Or the quenching boundedness incapable of ingesting you.
The ocean or the stream?
What do you wish me to be?
The earth beneath –the eternal womb of creation
Or the skies above- the untouchable illusion of destiny.
This stage beneath with props and actors deluding smiles and tears
Or the clock above, that’s both light and curtain to the show.
The earth or the sky?
What do you wish me to be?
The placid permanence of death,
Or the temporal temptation of life.
Sublime in to the ubiquitous darkness
Or be a flickering flame on a stolid yet vanishing candle?
Life or death?
What do you wish me to be?