Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Penchant For Life

Quiver voice,
Fluttering hopes,
Cloudy vision,
Thunderous silence,
Bland and savourless.

Yet, the penchant for life!

Can you hear?
A familiar vocal,
An old lay,
Of this greybeard’s hope.

When will it be tomorrow?
When will it no more be today?


Gayathri said...

I liked the simple way in which u infused the emotions,still,would be better if the lines were a lil longer..smaller lines would suffice if they were rhyming..just a suggestion..i aint much into poetry,so wouldn make a good critic..

karthik said...

thank u gaytahri for the comments. well yes short poems are better when rhymed. but it somehow doesnot happen naturally with me. i always have to put in much to rhyme.

AtomicGitten said...

I loved the last two lines- truly the highlight of this piece. And the simultaneous mixture of pessimism and optimism was very well captured.

Like muchos :)